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Fluence's anaerobic digestion technology converts high-COD wastewater and waste solids into biogas for plant operations and cogeneration of electricity

Some industries produce wastewater and process water with a high organic load, which can make it hard to reach discharge limits. These businesses, including meat and fish processors, dairies, paper plants, and even pharmaceutical plants, often have to deal with excess sludge, which can be expensive to dispose of.

Waste-to-energy technology, which often can be installed at an existing wastewater treatment plant without halting production, converts a liability into value. Anaerobic digestion uses special bacteria in an air-free environment to produce biogas, which can be used to power thermal processes, or produce electricity with a co-generator. And, the process sharply reduces sludge volume.

Fluence has decades of experience in tailoring waste-to-energy solutions to meet a client's precise needs, even for complex streams. Our labs analyze effluent to arrive at the most efficient process, and we offer service and support after a sale.

Check out our waste-to-energy infographic to learn more.

Waste-to-Energy Infographic

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