Newsroom Recent ASX and Press Releases DEC32024Fluence Receives Notice to Proceed for €48.4 million Ivory Coast AddendumAUG122024Fluence Awarded US $7.1 million Contract in MayotteJUL302024Fluence Repays Upwell Loan in Full; Secures Revolving Loan FacilityJUL12024Fluence Awarded US $3.6 million Contract in Saudi ArabiaMAY302024Fluence Awarded US $4.8 Million Contract in Brazil SEE MORE PRESS RELEASES MEDIA CONTACT For media requests, please email [email protected]. Global Media Coverage Fluence Corporation: Solid 4Q24 sets up an improved FY25e Fluence Corporation: Material project gets the green light Fluence Corporation RaaS Update Report Fluence Corporation: Targeting a strong 4Q Fluence’s MABR Technology: An Innovative Solution for Water Reclamation Is business the 'path to peace' in the Middle East? Fluence Corporation with Proactive at the ASX Small and Mid Cap Conference New strategy proving up Fluence named among top waste-to-energy companies of 2023 Fluence's Neri Nathan provides overview of advanced intensification nutrient removal technologies in Water Environment & Technology Fluence's exclusive representative in South Africa featured on the cover of Water & Sanitation Africa (Jan/Feb 2023) The technology turning sewage into clean water Enhancing WWTP Nutrient Removal, Without Overblown Costs MABR Is The Big Cheese For This Dairy Farming WWTP How To Save Energy And Produce Top-Quality Effluent With MABR Technology Fluence Corporation: Set up for a strong recovery The pipeline is being converted Fluence halts Israel operations, posts best quarter performance in Q4 CY23 - The Sentiment Watershed complete, growth strategy in play SBR International Business Awards 2024 Winner: Fluence Corporation WWTP Wanted: Total Package, Self-Starter, Willing To Relocate Wastewater Company Flush With Funds Watch the latest ausbiz interview with Fluence Chairman, Richard Irving, who discusses the company's positive Q1 financial report. Fluence looks to restore investor confidence after transformational year Tightening regulations uncover fresh feeding grounds for nutrient removal - Global Water Intelligence Pushing Water Reuse To The Extremes Fluence CEO flags the potential to upgrade guidance on ausbiz The Pure Oxygen Option MABR: Familiar WWTP Principles, Better Results Fluence establishes footprint in China Helping small towns meet wastewater needs, affordably Timing delays mask growth progress Fluence Corporation (FLC): Pure potential Membrane Aerated Biofilm Reactor Technology Validated For Title 22 Compliance Fluence leading the way in growing niche market Fluence MABR Voted #4 Breakthrough Technology of the 2010s The Final Straw Against Water Pollution In China's murky waters, global sewage firms seek rewards CEO Chat: Fluence on preventing pandemics through clean, treated water Emefcy and RWL Water Merge to Become Fluence How To Utilize Energy-Efficient Aerators Fluence Corporation 'on track' for 80% growth this year, quarterly EBITA profits in 2019 Good news flows for water treater Fluence This Astonishing Technology will Turn the Wastewater Sector on its Head! Here’s Why. Fluence Corporation: Solid 4Q24 sets up an improved FY25e Fluence Corporation: Set up for a strong recovery Helping small towns meet wastewater needs, affordably Fluence Corporation: Material project gets the green light Fluence Corporation RaaS Update Report Targeting a strong 4Q Fluence’s MABR Technology: An Innovative Solution for Water Reclamation Fluence Corporation (FLC): Pure potential The pipeline is being converted Timing delays mask growth progress Watershed complete, growth strategy in play SBR International Business Awards 2024 Winner: Fluence Corporation Is business the 'path to peace' in the Middle East? Fluence halts Israel operations, posts best quarter performance in Q4 CY23 - The Sentiment Fluence Corporation with Proactive at the ASX Small and Mid Cap Conference WWTP Wanted: Total Package, Self-Starter, Willing To Relocate Membrane Aerated Biofilm Reactor Technology Validated For Title 22 Compliance New strategy proving up Wastewater Company Flush With Funds Fluence leading the way in growing niche market Fluence named among top waste-to-energy companies of 2023 Watch the latest ausbiz interview with Fluence Chairman, Richard Irving, who discusses the company's positive Q1 financial report. Fluence MABR Voted #4 Breakthrough Technology of the 2010s Fluence's Neri Nathan provides overview of advanced intensification nutrient removal technologies in Water Environment & Technology Fluence looks to restore investor confidence after transformational year Tightening regulations uncover fresh feeding grounds for nutrient removal - Global Water Intelligence The Final Straw Against Water Pollution Fluence's exclusive representative in South Africa featured on the cover of Water & Sanitation Africa (Jan/Feb 2023) Pushing Water Reuse To The Extremes In China's murky waters, global sewage firms seek rewards The technology turning sewage into clean water Fluence CEO flags the potential to upgrade guidance on ausbiz CEO Chat: Fluence on preventing pandemics through clean, treated water Enhancing WWTP Nutrient Removal, Without Overblown Costs This Astonishing Technology will Turn the Wastewater Sector on its Head! Here’s Why. Emefcy and RWL Water Merge to Become Fluence MABR Is The Big Cheese For This Dairy Farming WWTP How To Utilize Energy-Efficient Aerators Fluence establishes footprint in China The Pure Oxygen Option Fluence Corporation 'on track' for 80% growth this year, quarterly EBITA profits in 2019 The global provider of decentralised solutions MABR: Familiar WWTP Principles, Better Results Good news flows for water treater Fluence How To Save Energy And Produce Top-Quality Effluent With MABR Technology