Small-footprint, containerized solutions to treat water from any source – at any scale
Small-footprint, containerized solutions to treat water from any source – at any scale
Leading the way in water, wastewater, and reuse treatment solutions, Fluence believes that everyone – everywhere – deserves access to clean water. There is no cost-effective technological reason that individuals, communities, or industries should experience water scarcity.
The NIROBOX™ family of solutions challenges convention by providing advanced treatment technologies in affordable and compact packages. Nirobox offers the industry's smallest overall footprint, which makes the units ideal for the industrial, municipal, and commercial markets.
With models for desalination of seawater and brackish water, and models for treatment of fresh water, the Nirobox line of products will provide a suitable solution to your needs.
Nirobox streamlines the economic, environmental, and logistical challenges associated with large-scale desalination and centralized water treatment plants. Nirobox offers flexible, affordable solutions with minimal environmental impact at the most competitive cost available.
Nirobox modular solutions are ideal for:
- Municipalities and growing communities
- Housing developments
- Construction sites
- Commercial establishments
- Resorts, hotels, and golf clubs
- Remote oil and gas facilities
- Power plants
- Agriculture irrigation
- Mining camps and operations
Scalable Solutions
NIROBOX™ treatment units are available in a number of configurations to suit your site's size and capacity requirements, allowing fast integration, commissioning, and operation.
Nirobox building blocks are modular and can be adapted to your requirements, providing an independent solution on virtually any scale, from single, self-contained units to large water treatment plants.
We offer NIROPLANT and NIROSITE installation options when large-capacity solutions are required.
Niroplant and Nirosite are the ideal solution for decentralized water treatment plants, where ease of operation, lower capital costs, fast delivery and a modular approach are required.

NIROBOX™ Benefits
Economy and Efficiency
Flexibility and Scalability
Compact Size
Operational Intelligence
Containerized seawater desalination solutions ensure water availability in a wide range of applications
NIROBOX™ SW is a modular, high-output, membrane-based and efficient seawater desalination solution that offers pretreatment, reverse osmosis, and post-treatment - all housed in a single, self-contained 40-foot shipping container.
Nirobox SW is suitable for a variety of applications, including desalination for potable or industrial water, and can meet the most stringent regulatory requirements. Offering industry-leading capacity, a single Nirobox SW container can produce up to 1,500 m3/d (275 GPM) of permeate water, making it the most compact plant-in-a-box.
Nirobox SW offers recovery rates of up to 50%. This, along with low chemical and energy consumption, reduces overall operational costs.
Nirobox SW's patent-pending process includes a cleaning process for the ultrafiltration membranes that inhibits microorganism growth and scaling. This natural disinfecting effect lowers energy and chemical requirements, and minimizes the plant's ecological footprint. Moreover, Nirobox SW features a work-exchanger energy recovery device with the lowest energy consumption in the industry.
Nirobox SW is designed to treat seawater with total dissolved solids (TDS) between 15,000 and to 45,000 ppm, turbidity of up to 20 NTUs, and oil and grease up to 1.5 ppm. Additional, optional pretreatment processes in the front end like dissolved air flotation (DAF), clarification, and activated carbon filters (AC) will widen the range of feed water quality.
Nirobox SW is offered in three standard models with flow rates of 500 (92 gpm), 1,000 (183 gpm) and 1,500 m3/d (275 gpm). All are housed in one single, pre-engineered, fully assembled and pre-tested 40-foot shipping containers
Fluence provides supervision of erection, start up and commissioning, operator training, full operational and maintenance support/contracts. Contact Fluence to learn more about Nirobox seawater desalination, or to discuss your next project with our experts.
All standard NIROBOX™ SW units include:
- Disc filters pretreatment
- Ultrafiltration (UF) pretreatment
- Seawater reverse osmosis (SWRO) - rated 1200 psi.
- High efficiency energy-recovery device
- Positive displacement high-pressure pump
- Variable frequency devices (VFD)
- PLC based HMI with remote monitoring
- Mobile app
- IP-54 MCC
- Clean-in-place (CIP) system
Optional pretreatments include dissolved air flotation, multimedia filtration, activated carbon filtration, clarification, and post-treatments include remineralization, pH adjustment, and ultraviolet or chlorine disinfection.
Nirobox BW lets you tap into previously unusable groundwater sources
NIROBOX™ BW is a modular, highly efficient desalination solution for brackish water. It delivers potable water, industrial process water, and high-quality water for irrigation and other applications.
Designed for flexibility, Nirobox BW treats water from a wide variety of sources, including surface water, groundwater, and well water, and can handle turbidity, salinity, and a wide range of contaminants, from 1,000 to 10,000 ppm total dissolved solids (TDS).
Two cost-effective models are available to meet your water treatment requirements and deliver high-quality results:
- Nirobox BW LP is designed to operate with feed water containing up to 3,700 ppm TDS
- Nirobox BW HP can handle TDS of up to 10,000 ppm
Each is available in three feed capacities: 1,000, 1,500, and 2,000 m3/d. Output water capacity depends on recovery and water-feed specifications. All options are housed in a single, self-contained 40-foot shipping container.
Nirobox BW offers recovery rates of up to 90%, while boasting low chemical and energy consumption.
Nirobox BW's patent-pending process includes a cleaning process for membranes that inhibits microorganism growth and scaling. This natural disinfecting effect lowers energy and chemical requirements and minimizes the plant's ecological footprint.
Nirobox BW is ideal for a wide variety of applications, delivering the reliability and robustness needed to meet the operational requirements of municipalities, industries, commercial users, power plants, hotels and resorts, and others.
Fluence provides supervision of erection, start up and commissioning, operator training, full operational and maintenance support/contracts. Contact Fluence to learn more about Nirobox brackish water desalination, or to discuss your next project with our experts.
Standard NIROBOX™ BW units include:
- Disc filters pretreatment
- Ultrafiltration (UF) pretreatment
- Brackish water reverse osmosis (BWRO) - rated 300 psi.
- Positive displacement high-pressure pump
- Variable frequency devices (VFD)
- PLC-based HMI with remote monitoring
- Mobile app
- IP-54 MCC
- Clean-in-place (CIP) system
Optional pretreatments include dissolved air flotation, multimedia filtration, activated carbon filtration, clarification, and post-treatments include remineralization, pH adjustment, and ultraviolet or chlorine disinfection.
One Nirobox FW unit can transform freshwater sources to drinking water or industrial process water
NIROBOX™ FW is a modular, self-contained system that treats feed water from non-saline sources such as rivers, lakes, or wells. The units can handle total dissolved solids (TDS) up to 1,000 ppm. Nirobox FW uses advanced membrane filtration technologies to remove turbidity, microbes, and other solids, bringing water up to potable standards.
A single, compact Nirobox FW unit, housed in a 40-foot shipping container, can produce up to 5,000 m3/d of clean, high-quality water that can be used directly for drinking or as industrial process water.
The modular Nirobox FW maximizes capacity while minimizing footprint and keeping operational overhead in check. Nirobox FW systems allow flexible up-scaling to almost any capacity. Treated water meets or exceeds the most stringent potability standards, including the World Health Organization's.
Fluence provides supervision of erection, start up and commissioning, operator training, full operational and maintenance support/contracts. Contact Fluence to learn more about Nirobox freshwater treatment, or to discuss your next project with our experts.
The NIROBOX™ FW modular system contains:
- Coagulation and chlorination dosing systems
- A hydro-cyclone to retain solids particles up to 70 μm
- Disc filtration to retain solids particles up to 55 μm
- Ultrafiltration membranes to retain solids particles and microorganisms up to 0.01 μm.
- Automatic backwashing, chemically enhanced backwashing, and clean-in-place systems
NIROBOX™ containerized treatment plants are self-contained and scalable for growing treatment capacities
One of the main advantages of Fluence's family of NIROBOX™ solutions is scalability. Our NIROPLANT and NIROSITE options show how you can use individual units, housed in standard 40-foot shipping containers, to create customized treatment plants with large capacities.
Both Niroplant and Nirosite modular assemblies use a minimum of three individual Nirobox units. They both are quick to deploy and offer lower capital expense, and comparable or lower operating expense.
The main difference is in how the Nirobox units work together.
Niroplant uses the Nirobox as stand-alone units with a centralized control unit and optional post-treatment. This allows the plant to be scaled up or down without losing individual operability of each box. Niroplants can handle up to 20,000 m3/d. Units can be easily removed and relocated according to changing requirements.
Nirosite offers an end-to-end solution that achieves greater operating and maintenance efficiencies for larger-capacity plants. Nirosite installations feature centralized peripheral functions, including control and monitoring, air compression, chemical dosing, flushing, and CIP. Nirosite is expandable through the addition of operating clusters.
No matter how small or large your treatment needs are, Nirobox's pre-engineered systems arrive wired and assembled for a fast, affordable and compact solution.
Contact Fluence to learn more about our Nirobox product line, or to discuss your next project with our experts.
Featured NIROBOX™ Case Studies