Reuse Treatment Case Studies
Explore our recent water and wastewater reuse projects from across the globe.

Mayan Zvi Wastewater Treatment Plant Retrofit
Is your wastewater treatment plant struggling with increased flow? Discover how Fluence’s innovative MABR technology retrofit doubled treatment capacity in Mayan Zvi, Israel.

Water Reuse for a Large Beverage Bottler
Fluence designed a UF-membrane bioreactor wastewater treatment plant for a large beverage bottler, allowing reuse and reducing water consumption.

Aerobic Treatment for Reuse of Wastewater at Fish Processing Plant
A new Fluence treatment train allowed an Ecuadoran fish processing plant that was importing water to recycle its hard-to-treat effluent for reuse.

Produced Water Treated for Reuse at Colombia Oilfield
A Colombian oilfield with higher-than-average amounts of produced water turned to Fluence for a solution that would purify the water for reuse in irrigation.

Solar Power Plant Recycles Blowdown Water to Save Fresh Water
An Israeli solar power plant wanted to reduce fresh water use. A multistage blowdown wastewater recycling system reduced use of fresh water by 50%.

Waste-to-Energy Technology Helps Fish Processor Save on Operating Costs
Fluence upgraded the wastewater treatment at a fish-processing plant, adding waste-to-energy to save on operating costs and meet discharge permit limits.