Power Industry Water Treatment
Fluence has decades of experience providing sustainable treatment solutions for power industry process water and effluent
Industrialization and population growth are spurring the demand for power around the world, putting pressure on fuel and water resources. At the same time, power producers face strict pollution and air-quality controls.
For more than 30 years, our team at Fluence has been working with power-generation customers to address water and wastewater needs in the most effective way possible. Our solutions include:
- General water treatment for drinking and industrial use
- Water treatment to ultrapure (UPW) quality for boiler makeup
- Treatment of cooling tower feed and blowdown
- Condensate polishing
- Wastewater treatment
- Water recycling and reuse, including zero liquid discharge (ZLD)
We also manage complex projects for power-generation clients at a local level, using an integrated approach and ensuring short lead times. We offer reliable solutions with minimum risk, as well as proactive service. Our project development framework includes:
- Designing and building
- Installation and commissioning
- Training
- After-sales support
Containerized Treatment Systems
Fluence is a global leader in decentralized treatment technologies, which can be especially helpful for power industry installations that are remotely located, far from municipal infrastructure, or lack reliable water supplies.
We design and build modular, scalable water and wastewater treatment systems that fit into cargo containers. They're energy-efficient and simple to install, even in remote locations. The units can be up and running quickly and easily, and can be added, moved, removed - and even redeployed at your next operation.
These containerized solutions are pre-engineered and assembled. They can treat water from any source - seawater, brackish water, surface water, and process water - to the point that it's suitable for all applications, including in cooling towers and boilers.
Fluence offers short- and long-term lease and service contracts for these solutions.
Sustainable Solutions for the Power Industry
Fluence has decades of experience meeting the water needs of the power industry, including production of fresh water and ultrapure water for process needs, and treatment of plant effluent.
Contact our experts to discuss your specific project details, and learn how our sustainable solutions can help you meet your economic or environmental goals.
Contact us to learn more about our industrial water and wastewater solutions, or to discuss your next project with our experts. We’re here to help!
Featured Wastewater Treatment Case Studies

Containerized Blowdown Water Recycling for Solar Power Plant
A utility-scale concentrated solar power (CSP) plant in Israel uses sunlight to produce high-pressure steam to power a turbine generator. Brackish blowdown wastewater, which is continuously discharged on-site, must be disposed of in evaporation ponds unless it's treated for reuse. Our fully containerized solution uses ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis to produce cooling tower makeup water, and adds second-pass reverse osmosis, GTM degassing, and CEDI polishing to produce ultrapure water for boiler use. For maximum reliability, the system is designed with full duty-standby redundancy.

Seawater Desalination to Supply Flue Gas Desulfurization (FGD) System
Because Chile's stringent environmental regulations require existing coal-fired power plants to reduce emissions, a power plant in the Atacama desert needed a reliable source of water to supply its new FGD system. Fluence was contracted to provide a seawater desalination (SWRO) plant that produces 2,400 m3/d of water to effectively feed the FGD plant.

Water Treatment for Remote Power Stations
In Western Australia, one of the world's largest iron ore mining projects built a gas-fired, combined-cycle 450-megawatt power station. We designed, manufactured, supplied, constructed, and commissioned a water treatment plant to supply the operation. The scope of the project included a complete water plant and large storage tanks, as well as project management.

Seawater Desalination for Power Plant Expansion
When an Egyptian power plant planned to expand its generation capacity, it needed a source of ultrapure water, and it needed it quickly. In order to use low-quality feed water from the Red Sea, we designed a three-train demineralization system featuring ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis. The first train was delivered in four months, with the second and third following two months later.