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Treating Industrial Wastewater With Dissolved Air Flotation

…quality of its wastewater effluent, reduce the volume of disposable waste generated, and also cut energy costs. The original plant was upgraded to include DAF, anaerobic digestion, double-stage nitrification-denitrification, and…

What Goes Into a Water Footprint?

…energy and carbon footprints. And Fluence’s Nitro units use shortcut nitrogen removal to handle even high-strength sidestreams from anaerobic digestion energy recovery operations. With proven technologies and three decades of…

Agricultural Runoff Fuels Gulf Dead Zones

…the world, including California’s Title 22 and China’s Class 1A. If you choose to use anaerobic digestion to treat your farm’s wastewater, Fluence’s Nitro can treat the sidestream to remove…

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